The Best Kosher Restaurants in America

Liebman’s named one of “The Best Kosher Restaurants in America” in 2020.

Jewish dietary laws, known as kashrut, can be quite strict; when followed, the food or drink is considered “kosher,” a word that means “fit” in Hebrew (as in fit for consumption). There are quite a few restaurants in America that adhere to these laws and follow kosher guidelines under the supervision of a rabbi or kosher certification agency.

“Liebman’s is a family-run kosher delicatessen that has been open since 1953 and claims to be the only Jewish deli of more than 100 in the Bronx that still exists from that era. The menu at Liebman’s is quite extensive, including hot dogs, knishes, cold cuts, fried and roasted chicken, meatloaf, knockwurst, brisket, corned beef and, of course, deli sandwiches of all kinds.”